
Who They Are
Juniorettes are young women, 8th grade through senior in high school, who want to help the their communities through volunteer projects. Since 1966, GFWC has sponsored Juniorette clubs, instilling in young women the value of community involvement and nurturing a lifelong commitment to community service
Their Purpose
The purpose of the Juniorettes is to create an awareness of meaningful work among young women of junior high and high school ages, and to foster the establishment of Juniorettes and the growth membership in preparation for Junior and General Club work and leadership. Juniorettes focus their activities in areas that coincide with their talents, interests, abilities and availability. An advisor from PJWC attends all Juniorettes club meetings to provide guidance and training, while encouraging the Juniorettes to govern themselves

Ready to make the leap?
Contact Francine Caliendo or Anne Twist to get information on how to join the Juniorettes!